Delve into this curated list of funny quotes about food! Whether you’re looking for Instagram captions or office inspiration, these witty foodie sayings and jokes will give you a good laugh…
Funny quotes about food
Soup of the day: champagne
I’m just a person, standing in front of a salad, asking it to be a donut
(Side note: I’m happy to live in Portland, a city where donuts are enthusiastically celebrated. My love for donuts began with one of my first “real jobs” – frosting donuts at Dunkin Donuts back in Rhode Island. It was the perfect mix of food and creativity. My favorite was designing the “manager’s special” where I got to go *a little crazy* with the design.)
(also, this is the cutest donut accessory for your computer)
The best things in life are cheese
(psst… I swear by this cheese knife, and use it on charcuterie and veggies, too)
Nothing brings people together like good food
The only thing I like better than talking about food is eating – John Walters
Pilates? I thought you said pie and lattes!
(Love this one!! Chocolate cream pie, pumpkin pie, apple pie, pecan pie, key lime pie… gimme them all!!)
(psst… if you’re a coffee fan, you need to try Kona coffee ASAP. I first had it on a trip to Greenwell Farms in Hawaii.)
But first, brunch!
(see the best brunch and lunch spots in Portland)
If you combine wine and dinner the new word is winner
I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry
(one of my favorite quotes about being “hangry”)
Ways to my heart… Buy me food. Make me food. Be food.
(check out this list of awesome sous vide cookbooks)
People who love to eat are always the best people. – Julia Childs
I’m so thankful for instagram, otherwise I’d have thousands of people to call each afternoon to let them know I ate lunch.
Waffles are just pancakes with abs.
Hope you’ve gotten a good laugh out of these funny quotes about food!
Want more? See my latest instagram posts for food phrases.
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